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Welcome to Making Chemo Bearable

It is my prayer that you will benefit from my experiences with cancer as you, or a loved one, enter the unfamiliar territory of a new cancer diagnosis. A diagnosis of cancer can be an overwhelming experience which causes emotional feelings of hopelessness, fear, disbelief, anger, guilt, sadness, depression, and loneliness. The "C" (Cancer) word, has such a negative connotation attached to it. However, it's not only about the disease and its effects, it is about the people who love you most and enter into this period of time with you, they are your Caregivers.

Making Chemo Bearable (MCB) exists to provide awareness, education, support and hope to individuals during their cancer journey, specifically targeting those from under resourced, underrepresented and underserved communities.

We believe a knowledgeable, supportive and caring environment provides HOPE to individuals on the cancer journey. Helping Survivors Find Joy in the Journey!

Ragina Ireland - Making Chemo Bearable
Ragina Ireland

Upcoming Events

Line Dancing - September 28, 2024

Line Dancing Makes Chemo Bearable. This is a Breast Cancer event to bring awareness and assist survivors by “Empowering Survivors to Find Joy in the Journey”.

Summit in Grand Prairie from 9:00 am – 11:00 am.  Donations in the name of Survivors or other Sheroes/Heroes are welcome.

Stacey Dickson – Dance Instuctor

The Summit
2975 Esplanade, Grand Prairie, TX 75052

Teams and Individuals are welcome!

$10 donation is requested but not required to assist with the mission of Making Chemo Bearable – a non profit organization.

Survivor Spotlight: Linda Lydia

MCB:  What was your initial reaction, emotionally?
LL:       I found it so hard to fathom. I was relatively young at the time, and had not been married for very long.  I had a hard time believing at this time in my life that I could possibly be diagnosed with Breast Cancer.  And, it was the type – Triple Negative – that I had to grow to understand.  I KNEW I had work to do.  This was going to require me to really fight.

MCB: Where did you draw your strength from?
LL:     I am Spiritually molded by my faith in God.  My prognosis, as the Doctors saw it, was not what God had planned for my life.  They STILL only can proclaim the 5 years – we are FAR beyond that. This test became my Testimony.  I had too much to accomplish to wallow in self-pity.    Establishing my non-profit organization, Pink Diamonds, supporting others continues to fuel me.  

MCB:   As you were in the midst of the storm, what surprised you?
LL:       First, the phenomenal support received from my husband…he has been such a rock.  Such an extraordinary trooper!!! And, God continues to amaze….defying the Doctors’ declarations of my impending demise over, and over, and over again.  He ALWAYS has the final say.

MCB:   What caused the greatest low?
LL:   CHEMO.   It devastated by body, my mind, and my Spirit.  Ultimately, I made the decision that it was not a treatment I could consent to any longer.  I have been Blessed with other types of treatments and been involved in clinical trials to develop new treatment strategies.   Being involved in viable alternatives has also lifted my Spirits.  I do all that I can to help myself as well – I exercise, and am careful about my diet.

MCB:   How were you able to celebrate?
LL:       I was thrilled to be able to take my granddaughter, Savannah, on a Mediterranean cruise.  It was one of the things I Prayed the Lord would allow me to live long enough to do…and it was such a tremendous Blessing to be able to experience that with her.

MCB:   Any advice for someone who is feeling overwhelmed by the diagnosis and the fight to survive?
LL:  We must draw on our faith.   We often stray from our Spiritual roots…but the foundation is often there!  We need to remember it, draw on it, and trust it!!!

Linda is deeply dedicated to her non-profit organization Pink Diamonds, where she tirelessly supports individuals at various stages of their battle against cancer.  With a wealth of knowledge and a relentless commitment to defeating this formidable disease, Linda’s fighting spirit is truly inspiring, and her enthusiasm is infectious.

Survivor Spotlight - Linda Lydia


Survivor Spotlight Series

We posted our first in a series of articles – called the Survivor Spotlight – that will showcase a spotlight on survivors of Breast Cancer and their stories. Our first Survivor Spotlight is Laverne Macon who has been cancer free for 5 years. View her Spotlight article.

Gifts for Chemo Patients

June 30, 2023 – Dallas Texas – Fox News – Two North Texas women drawn together by personal and family experience with breast cancer have collaborated to spread a little joy to others taking chemotherapy. They want to help people during their treatments that can cause them to be very sick while fighting the disease. On the last day of June for the past five... Continue reading

Advocacy Summit in Washington D.C.

Ragina was as on Capitol Hill in Washington D.C. with Susan G. Komen for the Advocacy Summit where we conducted over 200 meetings with Congressional offices.  We are advocating for the Access to Breast Cancer Diagnosis Act, Screens for Cancer Act. and the Metastatic Breast Cancer Access to Care Act. She am advocating because she is a 13 year survivor and wants to decrease the... Continue reading

Events Gallery

Chicken and Pickle Awakenings 2024 Event Awakenings 2024 Event Awakenings 2024 Event Valentines Fireside Chat Feb 2024 IMG_6278 IMG_6268 Chicken and Pickle Donation


Legislation – H.R. 549

H.R. 549, the Metastatic Breast Cancer Access to Care Act The Metastatic Breast Cancer Access to Care Act would waive the five-month waiting period for Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) and the 24-month waiting period for Medicare benefits for eligible individuals with metastatic breast cancer. Specifically, the bill eliminates the 5-month waiting period for SSDI... Continue reading

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